
Am I Called? Knowing God’s Will: Conclusion (Pt 6/6)

[This blog series explains how to discern God’s will. Continue on to the full blog series HERE.]

In his Divine Comedy, Dante notes, “In His will is our peace.” Dante is right. There is no peace more penetrating, more stabilizing, and more joy-giving than the peace of knowing God’s will and following God’s will. That peace is not dependent on any border. God speaks (see the introductory post of this series) so that we may have peace even in the tribulations of this world: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.” (John 16:33 ESV)

Tweet this: There’s no peace more penetrating, stabilizing and joy-giving than of knowing and following God’s will. @VergeNations

Tweet this: God’s peace is not dependent on any border. @VergeNations

The process of discerning God’s will regarding a specific situation or decision—like those involved in going to the nations—can be difficult. Life is complex. God knows that to hear and understand His voice requires labor—labor investing in Bible study, in our own introspection, discussing with our spiritual community, and in discerning the circumstances upon us. But the strong buttress of peace within the complicated arena of life is the written Word of God and the knowledge of God’s control over our decisions.

God speaks today. He voluntarily puts Himself forward for us. He loves for us to come to Him. He loves to take care of us. And He will take care of you. Therefore, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

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