
How To Be A Missional Leader – JR Woodward

Missional Leadership: Living Out the Five Fold – If the church is going to faithfully rebirth herself in the Western context and cultivate a fruitful missional ethos, she must awaken the five equippers to live as cultural architects who awaken the entire community to join God in the renewal of all things. In this session JR moves from theory to practice, taking a look at how he and their churches have been living this out in Los Angeles over the last decade.

JR Woodward is a dream awakener and co-founder of Kairos Los Angeles, a network of neighborhood churches in the Los Angeles area. He serves on the East Hollywood Neighborhood Council as well as on the board for the Ecclesia Network and GCM. He founded [nlcf] a church at Virginia Tech, and The Unembraced, a ministry to orphans in the Turkana region of Kenya. He is also the co-founder and director of The Solis Foundation that awards micro-grants to help start small businesses in Kenya. JR enjoys coaching and consulting with a number of churches and church planters.

Twitter: @dreamawakener
