
What Should Compel Us to Do Ministry?

Jeff Vanderstelt discusses what should compel us to do ministry.

He says, “Jesus says, before He sends them out to be His witnesses, ‘Wait for power. Don’t do this without me. Don’t do this without my Spirit.’ And if you look at how Jesus did it, His very beginning of His ministry He gets baptized and the Holy Spirit ascends on Him and He hears the Father say, ‘This is my beloved Son with whom I’m well pleased.’ The first question I have for you is, have you heard Him tell you that? Has the Spirit, as Paul said in Romans chapter five, pour the love of the Father into your hearts?

As he says in chapter eight, you can call God, Abba, Daddy, Father. Because if He hasn’t most of you will do ministry so that the Father will love you instead of doing ministry because you know the Father loves you. And the problem is you will use people to gain love instead of serve people to give love. The Father has already given you all that He can in His Son. And His Spirit has been poured in your heart, so that you may have a testimony that you belong to God as a beloved child. Do you know that? If you don’t know that, don’t go further.
